Fragrant Tangerine Tea Gift Set
4 boxes of Fragrant Tangerine Tea
Fragrant Tangerine White Tea: Good for heart, liver, eyes, and is anti-oxident
Fragrant Tangerine Liu-Pao Tea: Reduces hypertension, regulates hyperlipidemia, prevents angiosclerosis, anti-oxidation, defers aging, prevents diabetes
Fragrant Tangerine Pu-er Tea: soothes dry/itchy throat, relieves indigestion, promotes spleen health.
Fragrant Tangerine Black Tea: Lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol helps get over hangover, delays aging.
Storage: Store in cool, dry, and airy place, refrain from sun, and smelly area, the longer you keep the better.
Packing: 10 bags x 3g/box