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Civil Link Tea Enterprise

about us

About us

Our company owns a farm in the Tianma Xinhui area of Guangdong. The farm is about 500 acres. We use green planting to plant our tangerines, oranges, dragon fruits, star fruits, jack fruits, etc.   We take the tangerine peel and sun-dry it. After storage for a minimum of three years, it is ready to use.   We import Pu-er tea from Yunnan’s MengKu high altitude old pu-er trees and make tangerine peel pu-er tea -- it’s very effective in soothing coughs and getting rid of phlegm.

Mini tangerine tea ball is the hottest drink in China. For those friends who have not heard about this, let me explain what it is.   Take the tangerine when it is small, remove all the pulp inside, use a low temperature dehydration method, and when the peel is dry, put pu-er tea inside. It is a perfect combination. The fruit has the taste of the tea, and the tea has absorbed the fragrance of tangerine.

For sure, we have different years of tangerine peel for sale; all of them do not have any leftover pesticide.

All products purchased at our shop in Hong Kong cannot be returned or exchanged. Exceptions for exchange will be allowed for defective products only.

Civil Link Tea Enterprise

Civil Link Tea Enterprise

新會三通公司為港商投資公司, 2006年成立, 同年入駐新會陳皮產業園的核心地域 一一 位於小鳥天堂保護區的天馬種植基地;先後建立陳皮柑桔種植基地,加工生產合作社,陳皮、茶業專營店,陳皮飲食體驗店的三產融合產業鏈。現有租賃種植土地面積1000畝,貯存2010年一2018年陳皮200噸。
三通公司出品的無公害陳皮經過權威部門的多批次檢測, 各項指標合格, 達到國家綠色健康農產品的標準, 得到中茶集團的認可,被選用為無公害陳皮供應商,先後開發出陳皮黑茶,陳皮白茶,陳皮普洱茶等茶品,產品甫一推出市場,便深受消費者歡迎。


三通公司在陳皮的貯藏上花功夫, 使陳皮加工生產更科學更合理 。 同時不斷開發茶葉新品 ,與中糧集團屬下的茶葉公司深度合作,先後開發出柑普茶, 陳皮白茶, 陳皮黑茶等茶品, 提升陳皮的附加值。 借助中糧集團的經銷渠道與自身品牌的打造,三通公司走出了一條三產融合的產業之路。

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-06 at

Founder - Mary Cheng

Founder - Mary Cheng
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